16 February 2009

beach things

please, look at the fourth & fifth photos, there was nobody at the beach ... anyway, i like it the most when there is nobody and i can walk, run and do whatever i want without people looking at me or complaining if i take too much space for me ... and without the crowd eating, smoking, taking their pets to the beach and so on ... they really piss me off, i really cant stand people who take their pets with them to the beach, what the hell are they thinking about? i know that beach is public but, godness, it's disgusting sitting on the sand next to a dog which isnt yours.

Appearing in the second photo:
Mayra from http://caoticopalabrerio.blogspot.com/

2 comentarios:

Morgan said...

Luli ¿qué mierda es SideBar?
No importa, te quiero (:

Nai said...

Para mí también es mejor cuando en la playa no hay nadie, o poca gente.. es más tranquilo, más privado, nosé x)
Que lindas las fotos que sacaste :)
Un beso.